Friday, 17 June 2011

Forever and more

 This is not a work of fiction and any resemblance to anybody's life is purely intentional !

Forever and More

I want to fall in love again. Just to feel my heart flutter again, which has fallen into a rhythm, as monotonous as the ticking of the clock. To feel the rush of emotions, that erupted every time your eyes seeked me out rather than being vexed about ‘what now’ when you call out for me. To feel the coyness of being a new bride rather than the bashfulness that comes with too much familiarity. To rediscover everything that excited you and everything about you that excited me, rather than just being hopeful of your approving nod. To try and make everything perfect for us instead of trying to find what the optimum compromise would be that we would both agree. To walk hand in hand instead of worrying about who has the bunch of keys. To stroll in the park, looking at nothing yet admiring everything. To wake with a smile instead of the ‘already X AM’ frown .To able to laugh wholeheartedly at the most outrageous jokes instead of mentally running it through the PG certification guidelines first. To be up and about in spite of an exhausting day, just because we decided to, instead of finding reasons to be grounded until the next sun up. To feel beautiful and desired instead of only thinking ‘do I look fat in this dress”? To recreate the magic that once filled our lives and completed us. I want to fall in love again with you, to prove to myself that love is not over rated.

I want to fall in love again, forever and more…