Thursday, 21 April 2011

Turning 30

Yep I am turning thirty this year. Although most people might argue that it’s just a number and doesn’t really mean anything. I beg to differ. Just like after nineteen, nobody called me a teenager, exactly in the same way, after thirty, nobody is going to call me a young woman. I’ll be called middle aged. If I happen to have good skin and figure and hair, people might call me a ‘well maintained’ middle aged woman, or might say that I don’t look my age, but, obviously, there is no beating it.
Probably it’s just an Indian feature, where we have five year strategies from the time we are born.
Age 5- Grade 1
Age 10- Preparing for Puberty
Age 15 -Preparing for the crucial 10th Board
Age 20 –Preparing to finish under grad and either start working or GMAT/CAT etc etc
Age 25- Good job, married (for women), bikes/cars (for men) (I am not sure who the pun is on here)
Age 30- Trotting 2 kids (for women), Married (for men). Again, no pun intended
So on and so forth…
 I definitely had a checklist for when I turned thirty.
Ø  Married
Ø  2 Kids
Ø  Good Job (well paying, well appreciated and mid management)
Ø  Great figure (like Mom’s …she is 48 kgs since I remember)
Ø  Own House
Ø  Own Car
Ø  Holidays in good locations
These were the main ones, apart from other less significant ones.
 So how does the report card look, with less than 6 months to the D Day?
Ø  Married –A++ (Happily)
Ø  2 Kids –A+ (One son, who has the energy of three)
Ø  Good Job (& Blah Blah) -A+ (Quit just before I got there -or so I’d like to believe)
Ø  Great Figure -F (as in fail, not the ‘F’ word although that too applies because of the frustration)
Ø  Own House – NA (Waiting –ahem- for inheritance. Hope the parents are not listening)
Ø  Own Car- A++ (Thank banks for Auto Loans)
Ø  Holidays- A++ (in Forren Locations included)
So I set about rectifying all the ones that are not A++.Starting with the second child part. That’s when the gynae came in and advised that I should lose weight before I conceive again, to avoid any complications.
Jump to the ‘great figure’ point and I am thinking, if I do lose all that weight, I don’t want to gets preggers so soon, just to gain all of it again.
Anyways, I have started yoga and gyming and dieting -err not really, let’s just say I have reduced my portions. So hopefully I will reduce to a more regular size by October .In between I’ve got a tattoo and a nose pin, just to appease my wild side .And I did it now before I feel I’m too old for it. I know it’s all in my head, but this head is on my shoulders after all. I have to hear it out.
About the good job part, here’s what I realized. If you are a fresher, there are lots of jobs, if you are a well experienced person, there are lots of jobs. But if you want to dig into the mid-management level, there are lots of candidates. So I have decided to wait it out and maybe get a Masters in something before I join the rat race again.
In the meantime, I am spending quality time with Ryan, planning another baby, working out to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes (which I have been saving for the last 4 years).And I am also planning my next vacation and R has just promised me Italy. So I am going to turn thirty is style.
And I have found a couple of good stores that sell beautiful plus size clothes, you know, just in case ;-)


  1. Ur blog has set me thinking :)

  2. Thankyou lovelies....your encouraging words are my inspiration...

  3. start something on 40.... its already hitting me dear
    out of all ur conditions the only one I miss is the great figure :-( and the last one on vaccations ... that was when u were abroad....Now give me a check list for 40 so that I can work on it .....

  4. Hi Sonia, just going through ur blogs. This one did hit me very badly as I amalso an October to be 30...he he he. Really good thoughts of it's.

    -- vedamati.
